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  • Warehouse located in The Netherlands
  • Parts for all the main brands
  • Shipping world wide

Welcome to our contact page! Do you have any questions or would you like to receive more information? Please feel free to contact us using the form below.

Haco Tail Lift Parts

Laan van de Ram 11

7324 BW Apeldoorn

The Netherlands

VAT number: NL-805358717B01

Chamber of Commerce: 08068445

Banking details

  • The Netherlands

    Rabobank Apeldoorn e.o.

    Eendrachtstraat 133, 7336 AC, Apeldoorn,

    Account number:

    IBAN: NL41RABO0142933473


  • Germany

    Volksbank Emmerich-Rees eg

    Raiffeisenplatz 1, 46446 Emmerich am Rhein

    Account number: 3105401018

    Bankleitzahl: BLZ 35860245

    IBAN: DE92 3586 0245 3105 4010 18


  • France

    Crédit Agricole d’ile de France

    Quai de la Rapée 26, 75596 Paris Cedex 12

    Account number: 60294662090

    Banque no.: 18206

    Guichet: 00432

    Clé: 11

    IBAN: FR76 1820 6004 3260 2946 6209 011


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